
The Summer School is organized by Eastern European Studies Bern‐Fribourg at Centre for Global Studies of University of Bern, by the Swiss Library of Eastern Europe at University of Bern and by the Department of European and Slavic Studies at University of Fribourg.

M.A. Pauline Dummermuth

Assistant for Political Science at the Department of European and Slavic Studies and Programme Coordinator of Eastern European Studies at the University of Fribourg. She teaches and researches on: political developments in Eastern Europe with a focus on Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, transformation processes in Eastern Europe and on topics such as democratisation, autocracies and authoritarian tendencies.

M.A. Andrea Erny

Assistant at the chair of Recent General and Eastern European History at University of Bern.

Jonas Frey

Assistant at the chair of Recent General and Eastern European History at University of Bern.

Dr. Regina Fritz

Assistant at the chair of Recent General and Eastern European History at the University of Bern. She teaches and researches on: History of (East)Central Europe with a focus on Hungary and Austria, History of National Socialism, Holocaust Studies, Politics of History and Cultures of Memory, Theories and Methods of Historical Studies, Oral History, Musealisation.

Prof. Dr. Nicolas Hayoz


Professor of Political Science at the Department of European and Slavic Studies at the University of Fribourg. He teaches and researches on: political developments in Eastern Europe with a focus on Russia, the Southern Caucasus and the Western Balkans, transformation processes in Eastern Europe and on topics such as democratisation, autocracies, authoritarian tendencies, informal structures.

Prof. Dr. Jens Herlth

Professor of Slavic Studies (Literature and Cultural Studies) at the University of Fribourg. He teaches and researches on: Russian and Polish literature and culture of the 19th-21st centuries, literature and history of ideas, Polish intellectual history, Russian realism, Russian poetry.

Prof. Dr. Katrin Bente Karl

Professor of Slavic Philology at the Institute for Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Bern, she teaches and researches on: Slavic-German multilingualism, language in changing lives and generations, language in old age and dementia, narrative structures and text linguistics, sociolinguistics, lexicology, word formation in each case with a special focus on Russian and Polish.

Dr. Eva Maurer

Head of the Swiss Eastern European Library (Schweizerische Osteuropabibliothek, SOB), member of the Specialist Department of Eastern European Studies at the University of Bern. She teaches the module "Information Literacy Eastern Europe" and researches on: Eastern European/Western/Swiss relations, Eastern European Book and Library History, Soviet Cultural History.

Prof. Dr. Julia Richers

Professor of Recent General and Eastern European History at University of Bern and Director of the studies-program Eastern European Studies Bern-Fribourg. She teaches and researches on: the history of Russia, the Soviet Union and the Cold War, the history of the Eastern Habsburg Monarchy with a focus on Hungary and the Carpathians, the history of interdependence between Switzerland and Eastern Europe, Jewish history, cultures of memory and the politics of history, spatial theories and visual history.

Dr. habil. Carmen Scheide

Lecturer in history of Eastern Europe and programme coordinator for Eastern European Studies at the University of Bern. She teaches and researches on: the history of Eastern Europe with a focus on Russia, the Soviet Union and Ukraine, Stalinism, the Second World War, post-Soviet space, women's and gender history, memory culture, historical anthropology, civil society, public history.

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University of Fribourg

University of Berne