
As already explained, there will be an expert for each discipline covered in the Summer School. These are Prof. Dr. Ireneusz Paweł Karolewski, Paweł Machcewicz and Marcin Napiórkowski. The experts are presented below.

Professor of Political Science at the Institute for Political Science, University of Leipzig. His research focuses on political theory, democracy, nationalism and collective identities.


Prof. Dr. Paweł Machcewicz is Professor of History at the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw). His research focuses on the history of the 20th century, the politics of memory and on the public history and musealisation of history. Currently he is a fellow at Historisches Kolleg, Munich (Germany).


Dr. habil. Marcin Napiórkowski is Assistant Professor at the Institute of Polish Culture, University of Warsaw. His research focuses on semiotics, contemporary mythologies and memory studies.
